i suspect ds have already enter into the terrible 2 world.. and i search for result from the internet stated that toddler after their first birthday any time will have this so called "pattern".
For ds he will cry at a slightest things that doesn't goes his way.. last time he will cry but less for 5 min will stop when we distract him.. this time he can cry for 10 min no matter how we distract he still crying at the top of his voice.. report say that at this stage just let them cry out and dun bother abt them after they stop then talk to them and ask them to express himself in words to let ppl know wat they really wants and needs..
now everyday can hear him cry unneccessarily.. but heng dh is on my side ask his parents dun care if he cry.. so ds is really too pampered..
got chance i take his crying plus screaming clips down and upload here.. :p